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Welcome to

St. Thomas' Church, Douglas


We are here to witness to the presence of Christ in the parish we serve, to offer faithful worship and to extend in His name a warm welcome to all.


Upcoming Events


Sunday 23rd March - 11.00am Holy Communion - Bishop Tricia will be taking this service. 

                                                                              All are welcome to join us for this very special service.

Monday 24th March - 2.00pm Craft Group. For venue, speak to a group member

Wednesday 26th March - 7.30pm Lent Course

Friday 28th March - 10.30am to 12.00pm Coffee and Chat

                                    - 12.00pm to 1.30pm Lent Lunch

Saturday/Sunday 29th/30th March - Clocks go Forward

Sunday 30th March - 11.00am Family Mothering Sunday Service

Monday 31st March - 2.00pm Craft Group. For venue, speak to a group member

Wednesday 2nd April - 7.30pm Lent Course

Friday 4th April - 10.30am to 12.00pm Coffee and Chat

                               - 12.00pm to 1.30pm Lent Lunch

Saturday 5th April - 8.30am Working Party

Sunday 6th April - 11.00am Holy Communion



New Electoral Roll

A new electoral roll is being compiled between 23rd March and 20th April 2025.

Everyone, whether you are on the current roll or not, who wants to be included on the Electoral Roll must complete and return their registration form by the closing date. 



Electoral Roll 




Begin on Friday 7th March 12.00pm to 1.30pm until Friday 11th April


Keep an eye on our Facebook Page and our X Page (formerly Twitter) too.​


Check out our latest article in our history section about Miss M L Wood's connection with St. Thomas' and remember that, "The past is a foreign country​; they do things differently there.".



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Sunday 23rd March
Holy Communion

God of Ages
Just as I am
Be Thou my guardian
Hymn 4
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“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”  

[1 John 1:5]

Since its opening in 1849 St. Thomas' Church, which was built in the very early days of Douglas' development, has seen many changes. Douglas has grown from a small fishing port to the Island's capital. The age of mass tourism has come, and largely gone, to be followed by the growth of the finance and insurance sector, an expanding retail area and the services and facilities needed to support a constantly increasing population. As the twenty first century progresses, we are aware that further, as yet unknown, but far reaching changes are on the way. In the meantime, the roads around the church, which in the mid nineteenth century may have seen the passage of the occasional horse drawn dray or carriage, now echo to the constant roar of modern traffic!


In the midst of so much change the ministry of the church has remained the same. We are here to witness to the presence of Christ in the parish we serve, to offer faithful worship and to extend in his name a warm welcome to all.  Whether you are a long standing resident, a recently arrived "comeover" or a holiday maker, you will be made very welcome and we look forward to seeing you. Our normal service pattern can be found by clicking on the services button at the top of this page. Any alterations will be published on this site in good time.


With every good wish and blessing.


For Baptisms & Weddings or Pastoral Visits please contact Rev. Liz Hull (Vicar) at or Tel 01624 677711



Help us further our work in the parish we serve.

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 
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